Date Archives August 2016

Noting Hill or London Carnival 2016– An Excess of Partying of an Irresponsible Perverted European Youth that feeds on the Blood of Third World PEOPLE

      Drugs? Yes wanted by the educated youth of London. Violence? Yes, facts show that, yesterday, 28th August 2016, 100 people were arrested and five people were stabbed in four knife attacks. The…...

Since you're here… …we'd like to ask you for a small favor. We have never been read by more people, and yet we earn too little. You know what we have to ask you. This publication costs time, money and work. Please become a member today. It'll only take a minute. If you prefer you also can donate straight in my bank, Lloyds Bank account number; 14982760 – sort code – 30 - 94 - 79. Name, K Bouki, - Thank you very much!
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Be The Best Version of Yourself

The best version of yourself is the version that appears in the mirror each day different and better. What do I mean? And how can this be achieved? We should look at ideas, memories, and…...

Since you're here… …we'd like to ask you for a small favor. We have never been read by more people, and yet we earn too little. You know what we have to ask you. This publication costs time, money and work. Please become a member today. It'll only take a minute. If you prefer you also can donate straight in my bank, Lloyds Bank account number; 14982760 – sort code – 30 - 94 - 79. Name, K Bouki, - Thank you very much!
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Little Known Ways to Smile

The way I see life is that sometimes small things make a big difference. A smile, a positive thinking, a good compliment made towards others, a good morning, a hand given to an elderly person…....

Since you're here… …we'd like to ask you for a small favor. We have never been read by more people, and yet we earn too little. You know what we have to ask you. This publication costs time, money and work. Please become a member today. It'll only take a minute. If you prefer you also can donate straight in my bank, Lloyds Bank account number; 14982760 – sort code – 30 - 94 - 79. Name, K Bouki, - Thank you very much!
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What Makes You Awake

What makes you awake? this is the question. New ideas, and a passion for learning is what makes one awake. Thinking or desiring to enlighten your mind with knowledge and inspire others with human ideas…...

Since you're here… …we'd like to ask you for a small favor. We have never been read by more people, and yet we earn too little. You know what we have to ask you. This publication costs time, money and work. Please become a member today. It'll only take a minute. If you prefer you also can donate straight in my bank, Lloyds Bank account number; 14982760 – sort code – 30 - 94 - 79. Name, K Bouki, - Thank you very much!
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