Bravoo, Priti Patel, and to every Priti Patel who hates Immigrants and who deny our rights to exist

We hear Priti Patel preaching us the wishes and desires of the British people in a clear act of hatred and racism against poor and oppressed immigrants. And everyone thinks that this is okay.

Priti Patel wrote on Twitter,“I know that when the British people say they want to take back control of our borders – this is exactly what they mean!

What she said is a clear expression of Racist and hateful thinking against immigrants.

For she clearly shows to tell us that she sees the arrival of the oppressed immigrants as shameful and appalling.

So, is there any more clear indication of hate and racism than this truth in front of us?

However, not to worry much!

Because for this big political favour by British politicians, we can’t blame British politicians. Nor the British people.

For the problem is the English media that is morally and politically corrupt. And that doesn’t care about us.

That means, English media is after their own economic and political interest only. And it doesn’t care about immigrants or the oppressed or of the ideal of JUSTICE.

And I think so, because when you are an independent thinker and an immigrant. And the country in which you live, U.K, has not still given you the right to be heard.

Then what do ou expect from this country?

We expect to be hated and have OUR RIGHTS of existence to be denied as well. That’s what we expect.

For if they deny you, your right to be heard, then they also deny you, your right to exist.

So the truth is that this form of racism and hatred against the most oppressed people of this country, immigrants like myself, has been inculcated DEEP in the soul of the British people. By a powerful and monstrous right Wing English media.

Like LBC, Daily Mail, the Sun etc.

And so hatred here has become a law of thinking. And we are supposed to keep bearing what the natives, the hateful, the bigots and the racists have got to express against us.

And without we being able to stand up for ourselves and be heard. You understand the pain of the oppressed?

For essentially, Priti Patel and every Priti Patel, that comes to power, has been educated by a….

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