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The Actions of Boris Johnson are compared with the actions of Adolf Hitler by the very British People

TODAY, 28/08/2019, many twitter users are comparing the action of Boris Johnson to prorogue parliament to the actions of the Adolf Hitler at a time when he came to power.


History books say that when Hitler came to power, he set the REICHSTAG, the then German parliament, into fire in order to control public opinion by blaming communists for this. And he did this on the 27th February, 1933.


And philosophically speaking, Hitler with this action intended to kill two birds with a stone. That meant, to seize more powers and show up to the German people as the new “defender and leader of the oppressed and of the poor.”


So somehow twitter users and the British people are right to make this comparison. For the action of Boris, that is to prorogue parliament, is comparable to the action of...

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Mueller Report: Should Donald Trump be impeached or not? Dr ACactivism Weighs in

Russian Collusion?   The Mueller Report cleared Donald Trump and his team of any collusion with Russia over the 2016 election. However, according to the report, people associated with Donald Trump campaign, deleted relevant information…...

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Why David Lammy is a New Che Guevara who courageously, fearlessly and factually compares Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg to Nazis and Hitler

Why is David Lammy a New Che Guevara?


In this blog, I intend to express why I think so.  So let me begin explaining my thinking.

In an interview with Andrew Marr, David Lammy factually accused Boris Johnson for being close with Steve Bannon. Mr Lammy said, “We do know that Boris Johnson is with Steve Bannon who is a white supremacist.” And that was a fact.

David Lammy also showed facts and accused with facts Jacob Rees-Mogg for supporting the far right in Germany.

He said “We have in the ERG and in Jacob Rees-Mogg someone who is happy to put onto his web pages the horrible, racists AFD party. A party that is Islamophobic and on the far right of the German system.” And again what Mr Lammy said here was a fact.

Further, Mr Lammy said: “We do know that there are links between Viktor Orban and Salvini and others. And that is a fact too.

So then, allow me to say here that through this form of factual speech and reason, Mr Lammy showed with facts that Europe and USA is supporting a New Nazi way of thinking that is comparable to past Nazis. And therefore his appeal was for justice and unity of humanity at the very bottom.

And what Mr Lammy said here was first courageous and secondly right. Because we all see the rise of New Nazis across Europe. So shall we deny the...

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ChristChurch Shootings in New Zealand: Dr ACactivism Explains why today every Muslim must blame the Preachers of Death, BBC and Western Media in General who Used their Global Power to Spread Global Hatred and Islamophobia

  “Anti-Muslim rhetoric often associates Muslims with terrorism and extremism, or portrays the presence of Muslim communities as a threat to national identity.” OSCE, Bias against Muslims.    So today, the terrorist actions that happened…

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Boris Johnson says Women in Burkas look like Bank Robbers! But British Soldiers that were ordered by British Politicians to train Saudia Arabia’s soldiers to Murder women and children in Yemen, How do they look like?

  We live in the days of a new kind of Nazism or shortly New Nazism. British soldiers, that were caught training Saudia Arabia’s soldiers to murder women and children and men in Yemen, do…...

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Capital Gazzete Shooting. Why It was the Media Monopolies and Political Corruption that Pushed Jarrod Ramos to Shoot 5 Journalists in Annapolis, Maryland

Almost three hundred years ago, Rousseau would say “Bad politics make bad people.”

But what does that mean? No doubt that it means that the most oppressed among us will take the guns as a method to survive.

Therefore, the most oppressed among us will kill. And that’s why we must stand for social justice. For we will be killed by the “Oppressed,” ones. Or live in fear. For it is the very oppressed that turn into criminals and terrorists. History has told us this. And history is telling us this lesson every day.

That’s the explanation of the idea that bad politics make bad people, and therefore criminals.
For no one is born a criminal. So then, it is oppressive politics and injustice that….

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Why did I, Dr ACactivism, ran to disrupt Eurovision and how did I stand? And what was the way I was brutally oppressed?

Oppression is pain. And in all my life I have experienced a lot of oppression. So of course that I have a lot to say to a silent and sleeping Europe that is never satisfied with the killings of the innocent people. And the oppression that it creates for the economical benefit of the higher European classes.

Let me begin with this question, "Do we all as westerners see what we are doing to Palestine? Or is it just me that sees the truth? The truth of the matter is that we are supporting the evil politics of today Israel. Because our U.K and European rich mainstream media is imposing this way of thinking on us.

Further, we see how our Western world with the U.K government have supported the Yemeni government and instigated a war in Yemen. And so killing women and children and men and innocent people for nothing. We see how evil is this. However, we are silent, everyday people and people of media and people of academies and thinking.

So first of all, I ran to give a message to Europe for Peace in Yemen and Freedom in Palestine.

And I ran to take the microphone out of Surie's hand to give a message to o...
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Why do I think that Big Media Gave Birth To All Today Neo-Nazi Movements – My Story and My Pain

Albert Einstein said at his deed, Ideas and Opinion, that man can find meaning in life only through devoting himself to society. And with this, he meant a true society that represents the world as…...

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British Media, the Masters as British people, the Sheep

First of all please watch my Live Message on Periscope; ‘British media, the masters, British people, the sheep! ’Link; 

Now to begin with my writing, by silencing and ignoring those who oppose their ideas like they have done and they are doing to me, the Masters of the British Media control the minds of the British people. And as a consequence they turn them but into sheep.

 So we have British Media, the masters as British people, the sheep.

 Hence ‘God bless the masters and God bless the sheep’ thus speaks a Creator to the world.  

Now let’s go back in time. From the time of industrial revolution and until today, one thing can be told for sure for Britain and Europe too. It has galloped like a racehorse towards centralization. Where the few at the top forever become more powerful as the many at the bottom wish with their souls and spirits to climb higher and higher. But they never climb.

For how on earth can one climb when one is born a wage laborer or a slave? [the_ad id="530"]

Machines didn’t bring us more freedom but more slavery.
Marx said in the 19th century that man now has become an appendage of the machine. So these machines that we created didn’t make the world a better place but a worse one. Wasn’t it this love for machines that in the 20s century alone killed at least 100 million people? [the_ad id="530"] And isn’t it this love for machines that has turned humans into commodities?  

Isn't this love for the machines that has alienated the human beings of today? And I ask again, "Are we being fooled and blinded by the same truth that we see, today People? [the_ad id="530"]

Let's take the core value of humanity. And now let me say that centralisation and the highest level of capitalism has alienated....

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