How Rudi Giuliani has Transformed in the last decade from a champion of Justice into a champion of Nazis

It is sad to see people of all classes and all stages of life leave their right way of thinking. And transform into something different from what they have been.

But, anyways, what do you expect when you leave people die in power and spotlight forever the same? No change. Say that the new generations are unworthy of thinking and leading!

Thus, one of these beings who has transformed in the last decade from a champion of Justice into a champion of Nazis and murderers is and Rudi Giuliani.

Rudi Giuliani in 1980s, for example, fought against mafia bosses. And a decade later he became the mayor of the New York City. A person who from his earlier works seemed hungry for justice and human values.

In the last decade, however, Rudi Giuliani, has transformed into a champion of murderers and Nazi politicians.

In 2014, for example, he championed Putin as a great leader!

“That is what you call a leader,” enthused Rudy Giuliani, the former New York mayor, after Mr. Putin invaded Ukraine without debate or deliberation. Wrote the New York Times in 2014.

Nowadays, or in recent years, Mr Rudi Guiliani has become the personal lawyer of Donald Trump. And has never stopped from defending and championing Trump’s Nazi political agenda.

And recently, Mr Rudi is even scaring people out of their wits with his resemblance to an intelligent mafia thinking.

An intelligent mafia thinking coupled with his demented thinking that continually champions what is wrong.

For by continually supporting and promoting Pres….

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