Islamist-inspired? The Creatives of the UK Media have coined a New phrase to link Islam to Terrorism – Good

I can’t deny the fact of the matter that the journalists of the U.K media are intelligent creatives! They always create and think how can they forever be on the top of others?

For example, in the past, I used to hear a lot as such phrases, like “Islamic Extremists or Islamic Extremism or Islamic Terrorism and so on.

Nevertheless, after the latest Terrorist attack in Streatham, the UK Media journalists seemed to have coined a new phrase and somehow become more creative in linking Islam to Terrorism.

Once the media learnt the name of the attacker, Sudesh Amman, and once they learnt that he is Muslim, then they began creating and using their famous imagination to link Islam to terrorism.

“Islamist-inspired” rumbled hard the news MONOPOLIES of the Sky News, Daily Mail, Yahoo News etc. Very good the intelligent, eh?

To be honest UK Media journalists are too good at linking the weakest part of this world to evil. And in doing that, they create scapegoats and keep us happy by…
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