Justice Delayed is Justice Denied – Shamima Begum Brings to Light the Hypocrisy of British Writers, British Justice system and British Politics

The court of appeal has ruled that Shamima Begum, who went to join DAESH while she was at the age of 15, should be allowed to come to the U.K. And allowed to appeal the UK government’s decision to remove her British citizenship.

“The Court concludes that SIAC fell into error in confining itself to the principles of judicial review, since its function is to conduct a full merits
appeal” the Court of Appeal said.

Now the British judges are a bit mealy-mouthed when they judge the government. Because they are part of the same class of people. The ruling class.

For even though the court says that the law has been broken in the case of Shamima Begum. They do not state who should be brought to justice for this. Or who should be sent to prison for this. Which it is hair-raising and heinous as a practise of thinking.

But well, if the court and the government are Corrupt. Then what about the British writers, who are supposed to use their brains and their pens for good and for justice and for humanity?

Here let us be honest now, during these years that the trial took place the British media put Shamima Begum on the cross. And she lost her children while waiting for the country, that educated and raised her up, to help her.

And now that she won by the same justice system that put her down. Which is somehow an absurdity. Now BRITISH writers again do not….

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