Millions of Refugees or “Displaced Animals” are dying from COLD AND HUNGER, please share it in your social media to raise awareness – thank you all for your love and kindness towards Animals

In this blog, I do not want to refer to the “refugees” of Syria and Middle East as humans. That’s right. For that does not raise awareness, anyways. More exactly it does not touch the kind minds and hearts of the Western people.

 A united people that in the recent decades seem to love more animals than humans. 

And thus, when our soldiers bomb Middle East and our politicians murder innocent people in Middle East. Responsibility for these ghastly and gut-wrenching political actions is the last thing that our fellow western people want to take! 

Say that our taxes pay not our western governments, but the governments of Middle East! 

However, when these kind and courteous Western people watch in the news Media, Australia burning, or a certain sort of animal living in captivity. Then suddenly they become emotional, empathy shows off in their hearts. And they deeply feel that they need to express something and contribute for a better world!

So, adults and teenagers go up in flames in our social media platforms. And share in their stories and feeds with broken hearts and sad minds, the stories of “captivated animals or the stories of animals dying in Australia or Africa or elsewhere in our world! 

However, when it comes to the Refugees and humans, there is a total silence in these people’s social media platforms! Wow!

For example, the latest eruption of violence in Idlib, northwest Syria, stirred one more time the nev

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