Someone attacked and tried to rob and stab Dr ACactivism in Wandsworth, London – Please share the video to raise awareness. He has a knife and can be anywhere in London. – Police has been alerted.

Today, at around 3pm in Wandsworth area, London, I was standing in my car with closed windows, editing some ideas near King’s George park in Wandsworth.

Previously, I had been in the park working in the same ideas. But because it begun to drizzle, I decided to go to my car and finish my ideas.

Now, as I was standing in my own place, suddenly a person came knocking on my car window. I wasn’t able to hear him because he was saying some unintelligible words.

So, I opened the door of the car and tried to understand what he wanted. But he suddenly pulled the door of my car like he wanted to rob me. Still at that moment, after a struggle, I achieved to close my door and prepared to leave.

But I caught his fingers in the window of the car door. So, I felt like I am going to harm him if I go. Because he pleaded for me to open the door again. So to not hurt his fingers.

So, I opened the door again. But then, he begun…

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