Posts tagged Palestine

Western Imperialist Politics in supporting GENOCIDE in Palestine, They have justified Vladimir Putin’s actions in Ukraine– REMEMBER TO HOLD THESE MASS MURDERERS TO ACCOUNT

“The number of Palestinians killed in the West Bank and Israel by Israeli forces from January to August 2023 is 172, wrote OCHA-OPT on 28th August 2023.

Did the western media cry for these lost human souls? Did Antony Blinken, Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron and Rishi Sunak speak of the importance of a Free Palestine and social justice between Israel and Palestine or for a two-state solution as a matter of urgency to be discussed now and while we exits?

None of these things happened. Contrariwise, the BBC, CNN and the entire western media continued and still continue shamelessly to defend oppression and oppressors in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. That is, they defend the oppressive and genocidal Israeli regime.  And thus allow the conflict to claim more innocent human lives on both sides. And pain to burn alive in our souls as complicit western taxpayers. 

Husam Zomlot, the head of the Palestinian Mission to the U.K, told the BBC on 09 10 2023, “How many times has Israel committed war crimes, live on your own cameras? Do you start by asking them to condemn themselves? Have you? You don’t. You bring us here whenever there are Israelis who are killed.”

What Husam Zomlot said shows clearly the plot of the western imperialist media behind the question of Palestine. They only bring the question of the Palestine on the table and raise their voices when certain Palestinians happen to commit a crime against the Israeli. 

Then we see that the latest Palestinian-Israeli war, that begun on 7 10 2023, has shown the true dynamics behind the scenes of western imperialism. The face of...

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Why American, British and EU Imperialist Expansionism cannot continue forever with Double Standards – They say: Ukraine must Defend itself against Russia! But Israel can commit Genocide and Apartheid in Palestine

American, British and EU Imperialist International politics and their current politicians cannot continue forever with double standards in today politics. And get away with crimes against humanity with no court proceedings and no prison terms…...

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FREE PALESTINE, FREE UKRAINE – Why It is our Imperialist Western Politics that Oppress Palestine and that created the WAR in Ukraine?

A few questions beg me to ask myself and our western world, with Imperialist Britain, France, Germany and the U.S in it. So the first question asks, “Why should we feel right in our conscience…...

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Rise Up against AMERICAN IMPERIALISM. The Question of Palestine if unsolved, it will send the world into a WWIII. And this time it will not be Hitler nor Putin, but Joe Biden and the Imperialist U.S.A.

Only the heartless, the cruel, and the unfeeling beings, who have lost all what is human because of greed, can stay unmoved from the heartbreaking pictures and stories. That show the killings of the innocent…...

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Robert Peston of the ITV News Monopolies stands with a Double Knife against Free Palestine. Dr ACactivism eXPLAINS the evil opposition of Robert Peston Jeremy and the Labour Party

One thing makes me wonder why is this Chief Rabi up at this time, that is close to general elections in the U.K, against Jeremy Corbyn? And why is Robert Peston, that works for the News Monopolies of the ITV, speaking with a heavy heart in support of Chief Rabbi Mirvis at this time again?

Whoops, I did it again and my name is news media and New Nazi Journalists!  In two weeks, we will have general elections in the U.K. And Jeremy Corbyn has called the Blockade of the Gaza Strip illegal. That means, Jeremy Corbyn so spoken in support of a Free Palestine.

Further, the Labour Party Manifesto 2019 clearly states that it will suspend the sale of arms to Israel for arms used in violation of the Human rights. Arms that for decades have killed and tortured  Palestinian civilians.

So then both Chief Rabbi and Robert Peston know what they are doing here, right. They want Conservatives in power and the oppression and murder of the Palestinian people.

And here it is crystal-clear the fact that their thinking and actions show that they are against a Free Palestine. And pro oppression and enslavement of a nation. That is called, “Palestine.”

So, it is clear then, Robert Peston and Chief Rabbi's fierce opposition towards Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party means that they are with a knife under their hands' sleeves to stab any ideology who stands for a Free Palestine.

Therefore, a simple logic sends you to the conclusions, that the pride of Robert Peston for being Jew, at a time when the Palestinian people are being butchered and oppressed daily by the today Israeli politics, goes to the pride of being a German Nazi. Or the pride of an intelligent writer who supported the Nazi politics at a time when Jews and other minorities of the then Germany were being butchered by Nazis.

What is the underlying evil purpose of Robert Peston? you ask

The underlying evil purpose of Robert Peston is that in supporting the baseless criticism of Chief Rabbi, he intends to weaken the

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