The Cry of Losers! Labour MPs, who lost their seats, Appeal for a party election Review that Intend to make LABOUR Anti Human and Anti Human Values


The tragical-comical politics of today in the U.K have continued with a letter titled, Stand up for Labour’s record in office. A letter that was written by some crying losers, labour MPs, who lost their seats because the British Soul changed direction from pro human to anti human.


This letter strangely and tenaciously appeals for a party review in the labour party. Instead of appealing for the British people to make a serious soul-searching and introspection for their hidden votes that were generously given towards a racist, bigoted and pro imperialist wars Tory party.


Here in this letter of crying losers, however, we do not see “a cry” of the losers that intend to put right what has been wrong. Of course that no. Contrariwise, here we see a cry of losers that intend to make labour more anti human and anti human values. By wanting to see the labour party pro Western and pro imperialist wars in the future.


These former labour MPs or crying losers for sure that they haven’t caught the crux of the problem in the U.K politics. And so they cry like three-year-old children when they lose in a game between kids of the same age, where candies and chocolates are involved. And the winners take them all!


For example, they intelligently call, an ‘obsession,’ the condemnation of the war in Iraq. And they call ‘wrong’ the public condemnation of labour’s spending. Which has been a right criticism by people and a wrong party policy by the past labour government. So they are lost, basically.


“Not just internally, with the obsession of many with Iraq, but externally to the wider public by attacking the accepted narrative that Labour’s profligate spending caused the economic problems that necessitated austerity.” They said in their letter written to the news monopolies of the Observer.



Secondly, the cry of the losers speaks of their rejection from people.

“We were rejected on doorsteps not just because of our woolly, changing position on Brexit, or in Scotland because of our weak commitment to the union,” they said “but because the very people we were supposed to be…. (please subscribe to read the full blog of Dr ACactivism and please donate to support Independent thinking)

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