The Tragedy of the British people! The Old Goriot of Balzac and the Evil Soul of the British People, who over voted the NAZI politician called, Boris Johnson. Dr ACactivism explains

A man named Goriot, who was once a rich merchant, is now a poor, wretched man, scorned by most of the tenants, who call him “Old Goriot.”

Honoré de Balzac, Father Goriot


When Honore De Balzac was asked by his critics to describe or define the character of the Old Goriot in his own words. He had said then in the 19th century, “Old Goriot is like a murderer’s dog, who licks the hand of his master when it is soiled with blood; he does not argue, he does not judge, he loves.”




Now what has a character of Balzac got to do with the universal thinking of a nation called U.K or specifically a people called “British?”

Here let me explain certain facts.

The British people do not argue against the murders that were committed by the Conservatives while they were in power for 9 years. Do they? They do not judge the murders of a political party called, the Conservatives, do they? So what I said means that the majority of the British people love the Conservative party unconditionally. And in the last general elections, the British showed their love to this party of criminals by gaving to the Conservative party a super victory with their VOTES.

Fact. Didn’t the British people over vote a barbarian and New Nazi called, Boris Johnson?


And before the general elections wasn’t the same British people who, with their taxes, gave the right to go and murder innocent people in Yemen to the Conservative party?


So then we see how evil and barbaric and mean the universal soul of the British people is.

Therefore, in order to give an answer to this universal evil of a people. I was trying to find a book character to describe the VILE and EVIL soul of the British people who voted for Boris Johnson.


A soul of a people, that is rotting with GREED and licks the blood of the…
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