The Actions of Boris Johnson are compared with the actions of Adolf Hitler by the very British People

TODAY, 28/08/2019, many twitter users are comparing the action of Boris Johnson to prorogue parliament to the actions of the Adolf Hitler at a time when he came to power.


History books say that when Hitler came to power, he set the REICHSTAG, the then German parliament, into fire in order to control public opinion by blaming communists for this. And he did this on the 27th February, 1933.


And philosophically speaking, Hitler with this action intended to kill two birds with a stone. That meant, to seize more powers and show up to the German people as the new “defender and leader of the oppressed and of the poor.”


So somehow twitter users and the British people are right to make this comparison. For the action of Boris, that is to prorogue parliament, is comparable to the action of…

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