Twitter Hashtags are another fact of the today that tell us daily that the British Soul is mind-controlled like sheep by a few corrupt Media Monopolies

People of all classes and all fields and all professions contribute daily with their tweets on Twitter through different hashtags.

And they do this right after they have watched something on the mainstream media or heard something from the big radios. That means, when they have watched certain journalists speak or when they have heard these famous hypocrite journalists on big radios of the rich.

And most of these tweets are written under certain hashtag, say, Piers Morgan, Andrew Neil, BBC, ITV, Good Morning Britain, Andrew Marr, Sky News, Stormzy, and so on.

In short, whatever goes into the minds of the journalists of the mainstream media is reflected in the hashtags of Twitter daily by the British people.

Wow! What a mind-control of a people!

Some of these people are angry, some are funny and laughing, some taunt other people.

Still the minds of the British people reflect the topics and the…
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