Why Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is closer in thinking to Washington Post Journalists and Western Media and Politics than Religious Scholars and Religious thinking

It is strange, how the same journalists, the same media and the same intellectuals, or cruel barbarians and priestly intellectuals, who created the Daesh Terrorist group by heaping hatred towards the religion of Islam. Today they again turn their eyes in victory for the last time against the alienated souls and keep linking Islam to terrorism.

These pseudo journalists or writers, who grovel for social power like worms, for sure that they have learnt how to write. They also have learnt how to intelligently spread hatred and divisions.

Nevertheless, these close-minded creatures, that dedicate their lives to sick careers on media and money power, have not learnt yet how to become humans. They are still primitives. Or even primates in relation to the vocation of the writer a humanity.

Islam and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has no relation, and no logical connection with….

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