Why David Lammy is a New Che Guevara who courageously, fearlessly and factually compares Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg to Nazis and Hitler

Why is David Lammy a New Che Guevara?


In this blog, I intend to express why I think so.  So let me begin explaining my thinking.

In an interview with Andrew Marr, David Lammy factually accused Boris Johnson for being close with Steve Bannon. Mr Lammy said, “We do know that Boris Johnson is with Steve Bannon who is a white supremacist.” And that was a fact.

David Lammy also showed facts and accused with facts Jacob Rees-Mogg for supporting the far right in Germany.

He said “We have in the ERG and in Jacob Rees-Mogg someone who is happy to put onto his web pages the horrible, racists AFD party. A party that is Islamophobic and on the far right of the German system.” And again what Mr Lammy said here was a fact.

Further, Mr Lammy said: “We do know that there are links between Viktor Orban and Salvini and others. And that is a fact too.

So then, allow me to say here that through this form of factual speech and reason, Mr Lammy showed with facts that Europe and USA is supporting a New Nazi way of thinking that is comparable to past Nazis. And therefore his appeal was for justice and unity of humanity at the very bottom.

And what Mr Lammy said here was first courageous and secondly right. Because we all see the rise of New Nazis across Europe. So shall we deny the…

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